Thursday, December 22, 2011

It's Christmas Time!!

As many of you know, life has been seriously crazy for us this year!  However, the craziness has been wrapped in blessing upon blessing.  I haven't been an avid blogger to say the least, and for those of you that are close to me you know it's for very good reason!  But this was worth blogging about...

One of my biggest blessings this year, aside from my family, this new life in my belly and my beautiful new home,  has been all of my new clients and friends gained in my new adventure in photography.  To celebrate just how awesome it's been I wanted to do little bragging!  Although, the pictures wouldn't be nearly so fab if weren't for all the beautiful (and patient) clients I have!!!!  Thank you all!!!!!

Here are a few Christmas cards that came out of A. Thomason Photography this season...

(Front view then back view)

last but not least, our family Christmas card (of which I mailed today)!

Merry Christmas Everyone!!! Hope it is as blessed as mine!!!
Love and Peace,  Amber

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